RGraph reloads the previous chart when I reload the page and I click on the body of the page

i use this to clear charts:

for (var i=0; i< document.getElementsByTagName('canvas').length; i++) { RGraph.Clear(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[i]); } 

when I reload the previous page and a new chart is placed above the last, and a new label is placed above the last.

I use charts for donuts and circles

thankss !!!

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2 answers

You need to clear the ObjectRegistry that tracks the objects. You can do it with:


Or you can clear the objects associated with a particular canvas tag with:


Or you can delete a specific object with:


You can read more about ObjectRegistry in the API documentation page:



You can also use RGraph.Clear (document.getElementById ("Your item id"));


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/917203/

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