Adding a participant to an event in iOS

In the EKParticipant class description, "Send participants to an EKEvent object to get an array of EKParticipant objects." Ok, buy, how can I send participants to an EKEvent object?

Does anyone give some sample code?

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3 answers

The iOS link reads as follows:

You do not create EKParticipant objects directly. Send participants to an EKEvent object to get an array of EKParticipant objects.

Unfortunately, the attendees property is read-only, and the ways in which these EKParticipant arise are omitted from the link. This led me to believe that the only way to create new participants is to use the EKEventEditViewController (from the EventKitUI framework).

Very unsatisfactory, I know, so please let someone else with a better answer!


The only way WeekCal can do this legally (through an API contract) is to talk to iCloud servers to add members who then synchronize with the device. I would like to see evidence that it concerns the iOS event store ...


You cannot always create participants using EventKit of this version, because Apple does not have associated APIs.

But you can use the dump class to output the EventKit header files to see that all interfaces even included private and checked it each time.

I saw an application called "Week Cal" that can add visitors to the iOS event repository, and this app is Appstore-sale, and no jailbreak is needed. Therefore, I believe that there is a way to add visitors to the event store in the current iOS and Apple will not be rejected.



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