Jquery fadeIn leaves opacity at 0

I have this weird behavior with .fadeIn()

If i write


Div shows great.

However, if I write


Div shows, but with opacity 0 !

Line to:

 $('#MyDiv').hide() .html(TheHTML) .css('top', 0); 

UPDATE: if I write $('#MyDiv').show(400);

div also remains at opacity 0 .

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4 answers

Some CSS overrides your div when it is hidden. Remove the opacity style for your div as 100.

Else do


after your call to fadeIn.


Try jQuery . fadeTo .

 .fadeTo( duration, opacity [, callback] ) .fadeTo( duration, opacity [, easing] [, callback] ) 


 $('#book').fadeTo('slow', 0.5, function() { // Animation complete. }); 

The following will make it visible as you want

 $('#MyDiv').animate({ opacity: 1 },400); 

You can try the following:

 $('#MyDiv').fadeIn(400, function(){ $(this).css('opacity', 1) }); 


But I think yours should work fine too. See here


Check if you have

 opacity: 0 !important; //or opacity: 0; 

In your css in this case you have to manually change the opacity yourself, like this

 $('#MyDiv').fadeIn(400,function(){ $(this).css('opacity',1); }); 

Note fiddle . The first div will never appear.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/917150/

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