Optimization of a simple Common Lisp gibbs sampler program

As an exercise, I rewrote the sample program in a blog post on the Gibbs probe in different languages ​​(revised) by Darren Wilkinson.

Below is the code. This code runs on my (5 year old) machine in about 53 seconds using SBCL 1.0.56, creating a kernel image using buildapp and then running it using

time ./gibbs > gibbs.dat 

Since this was the way the timings for other languages ​​in this post were calculated, I thought I would do something comparable. The C code in the message starts about 25 seconds. I would like to try to speed up Lisp code if possible.

 ############################## gibbs.lisp ############################## (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (require :cl-rmath) (setf *read-default-float-format* 'double-float)) (defun gibbs (N thin) (declare (fixnum N thin)) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (let ((x 0.0) (y 0.0)) (declare (double-float xy)) (print "Iter xy") (dotimes (i N) (dotimes (j thin) (declare (fixnum ij)) (setf x (cl-rmath::rgamma 3.0 (/ 1.0 (+ (* yy) 4)))) (setf y (cl-rmath::rnorm (/ 1.0 (+ x 1.0)) (/ 1.0 (sqrt (+ (* 2 x) 2)))))) (format t "~a ~a ~a~%" ixy)))) (defun main (argv) (declare (ignore argv)) (gibbs 50000 1000)) 

Then I built an executable gibbs with a call to sh gibbs.sh with gibbs.sh as

 ################## gibbs.sh ################## buildapp --output gibbs --asdf-tree /usr/share/common-lisp/source/ --asdf-tree /usr/local/share/common-lisp/source/ --load-system cl-rmath --load gibbs.lisp --entry main 

I get 6 compiler notes when compiling with SBCL 1.0.56, which are reproduced below. I'm not sure what to do with them, but I would be grateful for any hints.

 ; compiling file "/home/faheem/lisp/gibbs.lisp" (written 30 MAY 2012 02:00:55 PM): ; file: /home/faheem/lisp/gibbs.lisp ; in: DEFUN GIBBS ; (SQRT (+ (* 2 X) 2)) ; ; note: unable to ; optimize ; due to type uncertainty: ; The result is a (VALUES (OR (DOUBLE-FLOAT 0.0) (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT)) ; &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES FLOAT &REST T). ; (/ 1.0d0 (SQRT (+ (* 2 X) 2))) ; ; note: unable to ; optimize ; due to type uncertainty: ; The second argument is a (OR (DOUBLE-FLOAT 0.0) ; (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT)), not a (COMPLEX ; DOUBLE-FLOAT). ; ; note: forced to do static-fun Two-arg-/ (cost 53) ; unable to do inline float arithmetic (cost 12) because: ; The second argument is a (OR (DOUBLE-FLOAT 0.0) (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT)), not a DOUBLE-FLOAT. ; The result is a (VALUES (OR (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT) (DOUBLE-FLOAT 0.0)) ; &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES DOUBLE-FLOAT &REST T). ; (CL-RMATH:RGAMMA 3.0d0 (/ 1.0d0 (+ (* YY) 4))) ; ; note: doing float to pointer coercion (cost 13) ; (SQRT (+ (* 2 X) 2)) ; ; note: doing float to pointer coercion (cost 13) ; (CL-RMATH:RNORM (/ 1.0d0 (+ X 1.0d0)) (/ 1.0d0 (SQRT (+ (* 2 X) 2)))) ; ; note: doing float to pointer coercion (cost 13) ; ; compilation unit finished ; printed 6 notes ; /home/faheem/lisp/gibbs.fasl written ; compilation finished in 0:00:00.073 

UPDATE 1: Rainer Joswig's answer indicated that the SQRT argument could be negative, which was the source of the obscure compiler comments I saw, namely


The compiler complained that since he did not know if the argument was positive, the result could be a complex number. Since in the example the value of x is a selective change from the gamma distribution, it is always greater than 0. It was well indicated by Stefan on the SBCL user mailing list, (see the second message in the stream "Optimizing a simple common Lisp Gibbs sampler program" , that this can be decide by declaring x greater than or equal to zero,

 (declare (type (double-float 0.0 *) x)) 

See Generic Lisp Hyperspec for related documentation on FLOAT Types and Interval Constructors .

This speeds up the code a bit. Currently, it is reliably below 52 seconds, but still, but not very winning. It also leaves notes about

 note: doing float to pointer coercion (cost 13) 

If for some reason this cannot be fixed, I would like to know why. In addition, an explanation of what a note means will be interesting, independently. In particular, what does the word pointer mean? Is this because the C functions are being called? In addition, the cost of 13 does not seem very useful. What is measured?

In addition, Rainer suggested that consing could be reduced, which could shorten the execution time. I don’t know if shrinking consing is possible, or it will reduce lead time, but I would be interested in opinions and approaches. Overall, there seems to be not much that can be done to improve the performance of this feature. Perhaps this is too small and simple.

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2 answers

Note that Common Lisp has a special THE statement. It allows you to declare types for expression results. This, for example, allows you to narrow the types, if possible.

For example, what is the result of (SQRT somefloat) ? It can be a float, but it can be a complex number if somefloat negative. If you know that somefloat is always positive (and only then), you can write (the double-float (sqrt somefloat)) . Then the compiler could generate more efficient code.

Also note that Common Lisp has OPTIMIZE declarations. If you need the fastest code, you need to make sure that you install it accordingly. Only possible for individual functions. This is usually better than changing global optimization to be very aggressive.

Common Lisp has a DISASSEMBLE function that allows you to view compiled code.

Then the TIME macro appears. The interesting information you receive from it includes what it does. With double-float arithmetic, there is probably a lot of consing. It would be helpful to contact the SBCL mailing list for help. Maybe someone can tell you how to avoid this.


This works for me:

 (sqrt (the (double-float 0d0) (+ (* 2d0 x) 2d0))) 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/916988/

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