Is it safe to use pip with a git repository?

You can use pip to install from the git repo command using pip install git+

but is it safe for the production environment? Is there a way to protect against deleting it without branching, posting itself and merging any future updates?

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1 answer

No, it is not 100% "safe", github can go down, while you need to check the source, the author can delete the repository (or make some changes to it) ecc. ECC.

With pip, you can specify a revision or tag along with a repository link

eg. git + bastard: // projectname.git@840d25bb9db9fbc801b9

this will check the revision of 840d25bb9db9fbc801b9 regardless of new versions so that you don't end up with an unknown new (broken) code.

What I usually do is clone the project (if I don't want to synchronize it with trunk) with my github account or somewhere else.

