Xcode will not update the application icon.

I'm having trouble updating the Xcode of my iPad app. I build it using Phonegap / Cordova, but the application icon is created / managed through Xcode.

I built the application on my device for testing, and it came across the default Cordoba icon, after which I added it to my project icon, putting them in the resume summary> application icon. In Xcode, they are displayed as is, but when I create it on the device, the default icon of Cordova is still displayed. Any ideas?

PS. I am using Xcode 4.3.2.

Thanks in advance.

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4 answers

In this link , the third image above shows that you should change the icon. you see the folder in the left column "Resources-> icons". open it in the search device and replace the icon that you have on the iPad, etc. You can also change the screensaver images under Resources-> Splash.

To clear the cache, uninstall the application from the device and perform a cleanup and build. Even if it is still there (sometimes, trust me), restart xCode.


replace the icon@2x.png and Default@2x ~ iphone.png icon, and then it will work fine. New iPhones use the 114x114 px and 640x960 px icon. Default image.


at the top of the list (luck folder icon), select a group of goals, select your goal. click the summary, scroll down to the icons and drag and drop the files you need. build. expand. enjoy


I saw that this question has been asked many times in Stackoverflow, and no one seems to have answered it properly. It is very simple.

For example, if you use phonegap to create an iOS application, you just need to: replace the default images with

www/res/icon/ios/icon-36-ldpi.png www/res/icon/ios/icon-48-mdpi.png www/res/icon/ios/icon-72-hdpi.png www/res/icon/ios/icon-96-xhdpi.png 

with your badges ...

Then, before you can start the application, you will also need to replace the icons with Xcode: the path should be


the magic lies inside "icon.png" and " icon@2x.png ", however you must replace all the icons above, and also make sure that you have the correct sizes for each image that you replace, otherwise the application will not run successfully.

Now you can

 phonegap build ios 

and then:

Launch ios cellular

Good luck


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/916917/

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