I am trying to create a screen recording application in Android. For this I use FFmpeg. I created the libffmpeg.so file. Now, I would like to use the same thing in an Android project to call its native function. How can i do this??
This guide provides a detailed explanation of this topic. How to create Android applications based on FFmpeg using an example
You can find an example. How to load another .so file into your Android project?
This is a good way to show you how to download a * .so file.
1 - Add the jni / libs / * folder. so2 - Use "Right-click" → Android Tools → Add Built-in Support → Set File Name * .cpp3 - Two files appeared: * .cpp and Android.mk.4 - Use Cygwin to build and compile * .so into a project.
1 - Add the jni / libs / * folder. so
2 - Use "Right-click" → Android Tools → Add Built-in Support → Set File Name * .cpp
3 - Two files appeared: * .cpp and Android.mk.
4 - Use Cygwin to build and compile * .so into a project.
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