How to increase the maximum URL length?

What are the best methods I can follow to increase the maximum URL length in IIS7 / ASP.NET?

Please inform.

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3 answers

From this site:

Use the command line: appcmd set config / section: requestfiltering / requestlimits.maxurl: unit

This explains how to use appcmd:

You need to know where the AppCmd.exe command is located, since it is not in PATH by default. To run AppCmd.exe you will need to change the directory to% windir% \ system32 \ inetsrv \ or add that directory to your PATH variable. On my Windows 2008 server with the default installation, AppCmd.exe was located in C:. \ Windows \ System32 \ Inetsrv

But be careful. If your request URL is really big, use a message to pass parameters


Although the HTTP protocol specification does not specify a maximum length, the practical limit is 2083 characters with a maximum length of 2048 characters in the path URL. These are the restrictions that Microsoft Interet Explorer currently applies, which is still used by a large majority of users. A reasonable upper limit on the length of URLs has always been imposed by major web browsers. If you want to submit a form containing many fields that would otherwise create a very long URL, the standard solution should use the POST method, not the GET method:

<form action="myscript.php" method="POST"> ... </form> 

Form fields are then passed as part of the header of the HTTP transaction, and not as part of the URL.


You may be limited by the following parameter in web.config:

 <configuration> <system.webServer> <security> <requestFiltering> <requestLimits> </requestLimits> </requestFiltering> </security> </system.webServer> </configuration> 

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