Is there an alternative way to process DICOM images using WPF in C # without any third party / library?

I started working in a new project with a big problem. I work in a medical project and I have to read DICOM images and process the image with its properties. I have gathered some basic knowledge of DICOM and PACS. Since I worked on WPF for about two years of my career, so I decided to make this project using C # and WPF. I googled a lot and even I went through many articles in SO as well as in codeproject where I found that they used some libraries / third-party tools such as:

gdcm , LEADTOOLS , ClearCanvas

Can any body offer me any alternative way to process DICOM Image without using any third party / library, or is this impossible without using libraries / third-party developers?

I went through the link to select the best suitable library for DICOM image processing, but was looking for an alternative way to resolve this issue. Please feel free to suggest which is the best and more flexible library from the list above, only if there is no alternative way to achieve this.

Any idea, link, suggestion or any initiation will be appreciated in advance, thanks in advance.

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1 answer

One way or another, third-party libraries are also created from scratch, so, of course, you can create a solution for processing DICOM images without relying on any third-party libraries. However, the use of whole or parts of the open source library will certainly lead you to a functional solution in a much shorter time.

One third-party library referenced in the link you are linking to is mdcm . It is a relatively lightweight open source library with support for WPF (and Silverlight). If you want, I'm sure that you can extract these parts from this library that are relevant to your project.

Another lightweight library is Evil DICOM . I am not quite sure that this library has a lot of image processing functions.


mdcm is an open source library under the LGPL license. An example of using image rendering is given in the SL.DicomToXml (Silverlight) application, which is equally applicable to WPF applications. In code-behind MainPage , fileNameButton_Click , there is code to demonstrate loading and rendering DICOM image files.

There is currently no updated binary distribution of mdcm, but it is fairly easy to compile the necessary libraries from a solution in mdcm . The source code can be obtained using Git or by downloading the latest version by clicking the ZIP button on the repository home page.

If you need to familiarize yourself with the details of DICOM image processing in more detail, then it is probably useful to start by examining the DICOM standard itself and also analyze the DICOM image file to get an idea of ​​what information it contains. A good starting point is the official DICOM homepage . A brief introduction with links to the software is presented here . There is also a general, longer study guide here .



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