The formula for "Relative Absolute Error" and "Root Relative Quadratic Error" used in machine learning (as calculated by Weka)

In Weka's open source data mining software (written in Java), when I run some kind of data mining algorithm such as linear regression, Weka returns a model and some model score metric for the test data.

It looks like this:

Correlation coefficient 0.2978 Mean absolute error 15.5995 Root mean squared error 29.9002 Relative absolute error 47.7508 % Root relative squared error 72.2651 % 

What is the formula for "Relative Absolute Error" and "Root Square Error"? I can’t figure it out. I would like to use these metrics to evaluate my own algorithms in Matlab.

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From this presentation, in slide 22 and quoting witt, the formulas are given:

Relative absolute error formula absolute

Error of quadratic root error formula relative


  • Actual target values: a1 a2 ... a
  • Estimated target values: p1 p2 ... pn

The formula for Root Relative Square Error is actually a formula for relative square error. You need to take the square root of this formula to get what Weka gives out.



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