Equivalent to jQuery livequery in jQuery 1.7+

Is there an equivalent jQuery livequery plugin for jQuery 1.7+?

Im trying to dynamically bind events by reading the events that the DOM element should bind based on data elements - *.

<a href="#" class="js-test" data-events="click">Test 1</a> <a href="#" class="js-test" data-events="mouseover">Test 2</a> .. etc .. 

I want to associate all the elements with the .js-test class, but only in the events listed in their data-events attribute.

jQuery.on / live / bind / delegate all require passing events as parameters.

It is to find the DOM elements that exist on the page when document.ready, however, when I update the DOM (AJAX, JS, etc.), I want any new elements with the .js-test class to also bind their events.

The livequery plugin (which is old, from jQuery 1.3 times) seems to allow this, since it just requires the selector and function to execute against anything that matches the selector.


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1 answer

Like the jQuery 1.7 on method , overrides the live method. Although it does not have an easy way to pass or map selectors as you describe, it can be done by passing the dynamic value of data-events instead of the type of event, if the value of the data-event corresponds to this event.

However, since the argument passed to the on on event parameter - the first parameter - is taken from each data-events attribute, from each element in the set of matched elements, we must scroll through the collection of matched elements so that we get separately the attribute value of the individual data-events of each element :

 $('.js-test').each(function() { $(this).on( $(this).attr("data-events"), function() { // event pulled from data-events attribute alert("hello - this event was triggered by the " + $(this).attr("data-events") + " action."); }); }); 

I want all events to be mapped to the same function, but different events trigger a function call for different DOM elements.

Since you want to match all events with one function, this solution meets your specific requirements and solves your problem.

However, if your requirements change and you find that you need to map a collection of function events to each type of event, this should start:

 var eventFnArray = []; eventFnArray["click"] = function() { alert("click event fired - do xyz here"); // do xyz }; eventFnArray["mouseover"] = function() { alert("mouseover fired - do abc here"); // do abc }; $('.js-test').each( (function(fn) { return function() { $(this).on( $(this).attr("data-events"), function() { alert("hello - this is the " + $(this).attr("data-events") + " event"); // delegate to the correct event handler based on the event type fn[ $(this).attr("data-events") ](); }); } })(eventFnArray)); // pass function array into closure 


This has been tested and really works for new elements added to the div # container. The problem was how the on method works. The delegating character on only works if the parent element is included in the selector, and only if the selector is passed to the second parameter, which filters the target elements with the data-events attribute:


 <div id="container"> <a href="#" class="js-test" data-events="click">Test 1</a> <a href="#" class="js-test" data-events="mouseover">Test 2</a> </div> 


 $(document).ready(function() { $('.js-test').each(function() { var _that = this; alert($(_that).attr("data-events")); $(this).parent().on( $(_that).attr("data-events"), '.js-test[data-events="'+ $(_that).attr("data-events") +'"]', function() { // event pulled from data-events attribute alert("hello - this event was triggered by the " + $(_that).attr("data-events") + " action."); } ); } ); }); 

Also, use the following jQuery to add an item to the container to validate it:

 $('#container') .append("<a href='#' class='js-test' data-events='mouseover'>Test 3</a>"); 


Here is a jsfiddle that demonstrates tried and tested functionality.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/916766/

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