Disabling bounce in uitableview also disables scrolling on iOS 5 but not iOS4

I have a table view application in the navigation controller; I wanted to disable bouncing so that when my table is in edit mode, the user can scroll down and find rows to delete; otherwise, it will bounce back and prevent them from clicking the delete icon next to the line.

So, I did this:


When I launch my application on iOS 4, it works like a charm. The user can scroll and the table is not returned.

But on iOS 5, scrolling also doesn't work at all for the table. No scrolling. Therefore, to be safe, I did this:

  self.tableView.bounces=NO; self.tableView.scrollEnabled=YES; 

But that didn't matter.

I create my table view and its navigation controller programmatically; everything else works great with them. Any idea why disabling bounce will also prevent scrolling on iOS 5?

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1 answer

I found a solution here:

UITableView will not scroll after editing view frame and source

If you manually set the beginning of the table, scrolling is disabled on iOS 5. on iOS 4 it is not. a shame, really.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/916723/

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