How to analyze PermGen space?

Possible duplicate:
How to parse PermGen content?

I want to know what PermGen space occupies - intern () string or classes? Is there any tool to help with this analysis?

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3 answers

Memory analysis

  • Use jvisualvm.exe in the JDK bin directory

  • Using jvisualvm, take a Thread / Heap dump depending on the process id application you need a profile for.

  • Memory Analyzer (MAT) - eclipse plugin. where you can import a bunch of heaps from jvisualvm and analyze possible leaks.


You can use the monitoring tools that are in the bin folder of your jdk, like "jvisualvm" or "jconsole"


I use Yourkit to analyze what is in the heap space. This is not free, but it is a great help when analyzing memory problems and / or performance problems. (They have an evaluation version)



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