I have a problem, I do not know if this can be done.
I have an aspx page that loads a selection onto user activity of a user control (ascx).
the user control has a gridview in which one of my columns is a hyperlink.
<asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFormatString='<%page %>' DataTextField="ReqId" HeaderText="Request No." DataNavigateUrlFields="ReqId" />
I want that when clicking this hyperlink it directs the parameters to the same page, but I can not do it correctly. for some reason I tried this:
<%string page = Page.Request.Path + "reqid={0}"; %>
but on the page, the link refers to% page% as a string. can someone pls direct me like that.
ps it worked when it was like that and ascx was in the root folder of the solution, the problem started when I moved all my controls to a folder in the root called "Controls"
<asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFormatString="?reqid={0}" DataTextField="ReqId" HeaderText="מספר בקשה" DataNavigateUrlFields="ReqId" />
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