Ok, so I got a static ImageIcon and the image just doesn't appear. In the same program, I use other ImagesIcon, but they are not static, so when I declare them, I do it as follows:
public ImageIcon blabla = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource(blabla.png));
But if I declare ImageIcon Static, I cannot use this line because you cannot access getClass () from a static value. Right now, these images are not displayed using this:
public static ImageIcon blabla = new ImageIcon(blabla.png);
Thanks for your help!
public static ImageIcon networkOfflineIcon = new ImageIcon("Images/networkOfflineIcon.png"); public static ImageIcon networkIcon = new ImageIcon("Images/networkIcon.png"); protected static JMenuItem jmiRemote = new JMenuItem(" Remote", networkOfflineIcon); //************************************************************************ public static void changeNetWorkStatus(boolean network_status) //************************************************************************ { if(network_status){ Application.jmiRemote.setIcon(networkIcon); Application.jmiRemote.setText("NetWork Online/Remote is On"); Application.lockScreenRemote(); }else if(!network_status){ Application.jmiRemote.setIcon(networkOfflineIcon); Application.jmiRemote.setText("NetWork Offline/Remote is Off"); Application.unlockScreenRemote(); } }//DOESNT CHANGE THE IMAGE //************************************************************************
Alex source share