Recommended Configuration Using Scitools, NumPy, and SciPy

I have a book called “Scientific Programming with Python (2009),” in which the sample code makes heavy use of SciTools. I am using Python 3.2 64 (thinking that the parallel installation / development environment is 2.7, more about this later), to which SciTools has not yet been ported.

Is Scitools used for many NumPy / SciPy purposes? Or what? EazyViz? I am fully reading this book and translating code into any API / module currently with 3.2. I'd rather do this than set up a Python 2.7 system.

What is your recommended setting?

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2 answers

Scipy / Numpy is a defacto standard for scientific / numerical computing using python. The vast majority of packages are built on top of them (including Scitools). In many ways, it looks like Scitools is just a shell of connivance around Numpy / Scipy / Matplotlib.

Regarding support for Python 3, i.e. Numpy and Scipy, but Matplotlib is not there yet (although I think it can be supported in the development repository on github):

Personally, I have never used Scitools, since I prefer a lower level of control over using other libraries directly. I also stick with Python 2.7, since the full stack of scientific programming has not yet completed its migration to Python 3.


Also pay attention to Pandas for your digital work. It is built on top of NumPy.



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