Best way to split a string into a word (SQL package delimiter)

I have a class that I use to "split" the SQL command line using a package separator - for example. "GO" - to the list of SQL commands that are run in turn, etc.

... private static IEnumerable<string> SplitByBatchIndecator(string script, string batchIndicator) { string pattern = string.Concat("^\\s*", batchIndicator, "\\s*$"); RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline; foreach (string batch in Regex.Split(script, pattern, options)) { yield return batch.Trim(); } } 

My current implementation uses Regex with yield , but I'm not sure if this is the best way.

  • It should be fast
  • It should handle large lines (for example, I have some 10 MB scripts)
  • The hardest part (which is not currently running) to take into account the quoted text

Currently, the following SQL will be broken incorrectly:

 var batch = QueryBatch.Parse(@"-- issue... insert into table (name, desc) values('foo', 'if the go is on a line by itself we have a problem...')"); Assert.That(batch.Queries.Count, Is.EqualTo(1), "This fails for now..."); 

I thought of a token-based parser that monitors the state of open closed quotes, but I'm not sure Regex will do this.

Any ideas !?

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1 answer

You can track opening and closing quotes using the "Define group balancing" .

In addition, a similar question was asked last year about splitting spaces, until spaces were in quotation marks . You may be able to customize these answers to get where you are going.



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