Disappearing border div or div

I am working on a simulated orbit. I have an orbit of the planet. When you fully zoom in (click the + sign) and select Neptune (the last planet on the right - you may have to scroll the top bar of the planet), its orbit (dashed line) disappears. If you zoom out 1, then its orbit is visible several times. Zoom out, or further, and it is always visible. Any way to prevent it from disappearing?

Here you can see a working example.

If that matters, I am in the latest Chrome for mac. I downloaded and tried this on the latest Firefox for Mac, and there is no problem there. I tried it in the latest Safari, and it is not there, so this should be a Chrome issue, not a website issue.

This may be a bug in Chrome. I filed a report.

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1 answer

If you give the div the background color, you will see that it disappears.

As a workaround, the border remains visible if you change the border width to 3 pixels (at least on my Chrome 19 (Linux)). Perhaps you can set a wider width for the highest zoom levels.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/916522/

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