I have an MFC application in which there is a workflow, what I want to do is send a message from the workflow to the main GUI thread to update some status messages in the GUI. What I have done so far is Registered a new window message
//custom messages static UINT FTP_APP_STATUS_UPDATE = ::RegisterWindowMessageA("FTP_APP_STATUS_UPDATE");
Added this message to the dialog class message map
ON_MESSAGE(FTP_APP_STATUS_UPDATE, &CMFC_TestApplicationDlg::OnStatusUpdate)
The prototype of OnStatusUpdate
afx_msg LRESULT OnStatusUpdate(WPARAM, LPARAM);
and definition
LRESULT CMFC_TestApplicationDlg::OnStatusUpdate(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //This function is not called at all. return 0; }
and workflow call code
void CMFC_TestApplicationDlg::OnBnClickedMfcbutton1() { ThreadParams params; params.m_hWnd = m_hWnd; params.FTPHost = "test_host"; params.FTPUsername = "test"; params.FTPPassword = "test"; AfxBeginThread(FTPConnectThread,¶ms); }
and workflow code
//child thread function UINT FTPConnectThread( LPVOID pParam ) { if(pParam == NULL) { return 0; } ThreadParams *params = (ThreadParams*)pParam; OutputDebugString(params->FTPHost); Sleep(4000); //simulating a network call CString * message = new CString("Conencted"); PostMessage(params->m_hWnd,FTP_APP_STATUS_UPDATE,0,(LPARAM)message); //PostMessage do nothing? what I am doing wrong? return 1; }
the problem is that a PostMessage function called OnStatusUpdate
must be called, but it is not called, an exception or statement is not thrown, what am I doing wrong? I tried ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE
but did not succeed, no help?