I read 'Groovy in action' recently. In chapter 7 she introduced *. the operator. When I run the code about this statement, I get some errors.
class Invoice { List items Date date } class LineItem { Product product int count int total() { return product.dollar * count } } class Product { String name def dollar } def ulcDate = new Date(107,0,1) def ulc = new Product(dollar:1499, name:'ULC') def ve = new Product(dollar:499, name:'Visual Editor') def invoices = [ new Invoice(date:ulcDate, items: [ new LineItem(count:5, product:ulc), new LineItem(count:1, product:ve) ]), new Invoice(date:[107,1,2], items: [ new LineItem(count:4, product:ve) ]) ]
The last line throws an exception. At first I can explain why this error occurred. Invoke is a List, and the item type is Invoice. Therefore, the direct use of elements will result in an error. I am trying to fix this using invoices.collect{it.items*.total()}
But still get a fail statement. So, how can I make an affirmative success and why will invoices * .items * .total () throw an exception.
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