Get information about the internal state of a Windows service

I have a windows service that I am writing in .NET C #. The service will act as a file processor. It simply watches the File Created event directory and adds these files to the queue for processing. A separate thread draws files from the queue and processes them.

My question is, is there a way to request a windows service in order to get my โ€œstateโ€. I would like to be able to request a service in some way and see a list of files waiting in a queue, etc.

I know that this can be done on Linux via the / proc file system, and I was wondering if there was anything like that for Windows. Any tips / pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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3 answers

If you are looking for a non-user interface (for example, to write names to a file or for standard output), you can use the ExecuteCommand method in the service.

ServiceController sc = new ServiceController("ServiceName"); sc.ExecuteCommand(255); 

It simply passes this command to your service, and your service will process it through OnCustomCommand

 protected override void OnCustomCommand(int command) { base.OnCustomCommand(command); if (command == 255 { ... // Your code here } } 

You may need to store the status of the queue / service in a static variable so that you can access it from the OnCustomCommand routine.


You can create a hosted WCF service inside a Windows service with any methods necessary to access the state.


WCF would be nice to do this, especially it can be hosted inside the Windows Service. Perhaps in your case it makes sense to use XML-RPC with WCF



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