I use the fleet to try to build some data. This worked for me with one data set, and when I tried to change the code to use several data sets, I had an error that it was difficult for me to track work, and it stopped working. I am sure that this is a change that I made, but for life I can not trace it.
The Y-axis shows -1.0, -0.5, 0, 0.5, and 1.0 - Im values ββare unlikely to be expected, and there is no X-Axis data. The graph looks blank.
I am trying to do something similar to the reputation graph in StackOverflow, but this will represent different numerical values. The first value of the data
pair means the timestamp (I think I calculated it correctly), and the second value of the data
pair is the value that will be displayed.
I made sure that I did not have my quotation marks that I saw was one of the most common problems.
Any feedback or help in pointing out a problem would be most valuable.
function plotField(){ var field = 'activeUsers,totalUsers'; var url = '/api/consoleGet_stats?field='+field; $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', success: function(datasets){ var i = 0; console.log(datasets); $.each(datasets, function(key, val){ val.color=i; i++; var data = [ $(this) ]; console.log(data); var options = { lines: { show: true }, points: { show: true }, xaxis: {mode: 'time', timeformat: "%y/%m/%d", tickDecimals: 0, tickSize: 1 } }; var placeholder = $("#placeholder"); $.plot(placeholder, data, options); }); } }); }
<?php //simplified for example purposes $fields=explode(",",$_REQUEST['field']); foreach ($fields as $field){ $rows=$dbConnect->getRows('select date, ' .$field. ' from websiteStats order by id asc'); $resultData = array('label' => $field); foreach($rows as $row){ $t = strtotime($row['date']." UTC") * 1000; $resultData['data'][]=array($t, (int)$row[$field]); } $results[]=$resultData; } die(Json_encode($results)); ?>
console output
[Object { label="activeUsers", data=[6]}, Object { label="totalUsers", data=[6]}] [[Object { label="activeUsers", data=[6], color=0}]] [[Object { label="totalUsers", data=[6], color=1}]]
returned json from firebug (formatting added for this post)
[ {"label":"activeUsers","data":[[1334583090000,26],[1334669491000,26],[1334755893000,26],[1334842290000,26],[1334928691000,26],[1335015093000,26]]}, {"label":"totalUsers","data":[[1334583090000,150],[1334669491000,170],[1334755893000,193],[1334842290000,200],[1334928691000,225],[1335015093000,257]]} ]