I cannot find "Web Form Using a Master Page" in Visual Studio 2010 Professional

I am reading Microsoft® ASP.NET 4 step by step and I am on page 148.

The tutorial says to add a new Web Form Using Master Page element, but I can't find it!

A screenshot of the book is shown below:

Book screenshots

This is what I see:

My screenshots

I doubt the book is wrong, so what am I missing?


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5 answers

If you compare these screenshots very carefully, you will see that at the top the user clicked the "Visual C #" button in the left panel.

You used a different approach to move on to your choices. It looks like you typed "master" in the search box in the upper right corner of the screen. "Search Results" is highlighted in the left pane.

I believe that if you click "Visual C #" on the left, you will see what the screenshot from the book shows.

What you found in your search is the choice to create your homepage. What you are looking for is creating a web form and, in particular, a web form using the home page.


A bit late in the answer, but the screenshot posted by JMK from the book is likely to show the user interface from Visual Web Developer. In Visual Studio, you selected "Web Form." Then in the lower right corner of the "Name" field there are two flags (see the second screenshot of JMK). Check "Select Home Page". Click "Add" (or press "Enter"), and you can select the main page that you want to use.


the name of the "web form using the homepage" ContentPage at visual studio 2012 (framwWork 4) simply adds the ContentPage from "add → new item> contentPage"


Right-click on the main page and select "add content page".

enter image description here


I found that the “Web Form Using the Home Page” is missing from the website script. for the website u, you can add “Web form using the home page” by right-clicking on the home page and select “add content page”. while when you create a project, its show adds new elements.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/916206/

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