I also have a lot of new things, and it took me many hours to finally get it to work, I thought that I would share some of the blows that I had in my way for other inexperienced people. Sarah's method works great (Hi, Sarah - I'm a big fan, BTW), but here are some additional tips that would shave in the hours on how much time it took for someone green like me:
Download openSSL here: http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html I had to download and install the following distribution package for Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 (x64): http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download /details.aspx?id=15336 before installing openSSL.
After installing C ++ THEN openssl, make sure you run ssl as an administrator (right-click to get the option) to avoid problems with missing .cnf files.
I executed the commands in steps 1 and 2 by running \ OpenSSL-Win32 \ bin \ openSSL.exe and leaving some of the "call openSSL" code of Sarah above.
Prior to step 3, I had to download and install the intermediate certificate “Worldwide Center for Certification of Relations with Developers”, which is located at the bottom of the first page when requesting a new developer certificate.
As soon as I downloaded the certificate, and also made and uploaded the provision certificate, I copied them to \ OpenSSL-Win32 \ bin (not sure if this was necessary)
Then I continued to use Sarah's code in openssl (so still excluding "call openssl") until step 7. I did this instead:
pkcs12 -export -inkey ios_development.key -in ios_development.pem -out iphone_dev.p12
and then it was proposed to define a password, which I would later need to use .p12 to generate test builds (in my case, using Flash Pro on a Win8 computer for iOS7 iPad Mini)
I do not need steps 8 through 10, as I am using Flash Pro and have not yet received my scene storage application.
I am sure that for most of you this is too simplified, but for beginner programmers like me, this additional information would save a lot of time lost.
The whole process of researching the problems that I had, with updating my itunes and iOS, developing the problems that I had with the Apple Dev website and openSSL took me all day, but now I finally got my test build running on the iOS device . And now, this is Vodka.