Can I use HTML5 canvas, image in / in polygon?

Is there a way to use javascript html5 canvas to have a polygon and then display an image in it instead of color?

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2 answers

After some research, I find it possible to do this by first creating a template using your image, and then setting this template to fillStyle :

 var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); var pattern = ctx.createPattern(imageObj, "repeat"); ctx.fillStyle = pattern; 

Then it's just a matter of creating your polygon (using moveTo and lineTo ) and then filling it up normally.

Source: this source code plugin . Disclaimer: I have not tried to make sure that it works.

Update: I am still studying whether the image can be manipulated to fit an arbitrary polygon. Basically, you can use setTransform to do this:; ctx.setTransform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy); ctx.drawImage(imageObj); ctx.restore(); 

Determining setTransform parameter setTransform (if at all possible) is the hard part. It was looong, since I did any math, but if I call right here what needs to be done:

 (0,0) --- (w,0) (x1,y1) --- (x2,y2) | | | | | Image | => | Morphed | | | | | (0,h) --- (w,h) (x3,y3) --- (x4,y4) 

For each point, you perform the following matrix operation:

 |m11 m21 dx| |xI| |xM| |m12 m22 dy| X |yI| = |yM| | 0 0 1| | 1| | 1| 

Eight equations, six variables (remembering that matrix elements are variables, the rest are constants - our inputs). May be unsolvable. Now it is only a matter of inference (or googling, or a query in Math.SE ...) and the implementation of the formulas for each parameter ...

Update 2: Although I have no convincing evidence of this, I find it impossible to do what you want with setTransform . Considering how Gimp works with its β€œpromising” tool, you need to change the third row of the transformation matrix in order to transform the image into an arbitrary polygon. And the Canvas API does not seem to provide a means for this (usually only affine transforms are supported: translation, rotation, scale, shift, or a combination above).

Quote this post about two-dimensional transformations:

CSS3 2D-Transforms can only convert blocks to parallelograms. For example, it is not possible to convert a block to this form: [Irregular form] To do this, use 3D3 Transforms CSS3. This is why the Matrix Construction Set has only three control points for movement, not four.

There are plans for CSS 3D Transforms , but not only I don’t know how widely supported this is, I don’t know if the canvas element (with a 2d context, that is - WebGL is another story) will always support it. In short, it is impossible to do what you want by any means that I know of.


You can fill the polygon with an image using context.clip() :

  //create an image var img = new Image(); img.src = 'imgPath/image.png' //draw the image when loaded img.onload = function(){ var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");; //define the polygon ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); ctx.lineTo(x2,y2); ctx.lineTo(x3,y3); ctx.closePath(); //draw the image ctx.clip(); ctx.drawImage(img, leftMostXCoor, highestYCoor, polyWidth, polyHeight); //fill and stroke are still available for overlays and borders ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } 


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