Comparing EL with equalIgnoreCase

How to check equalIgnoreCase in EL?

String a = "hello"; a.equalsIgnoreCase("hello"); 

Now on the JSP page ..

 <h:panelGroup rendered="#{patientNotePrescriptionVar.prescriptionSchedule == patientNotePresBackingBean.sendPrescription}"> ... Some code here .... </h:panelGroup> 

Is there a way to map patientNotePresBackingBean.sendPrescription as equalIgnoreCase?

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2 answers

If you are using EL 2.2 (part of Servlet 3.0) or JBoss EL, then you should just call this method in EL.

 <h:panelGroup rendered="#{patientNotePrescriptionVar.prescriptionSchedule.equalsIgnoreCase(patientNotePresBackingBean.sendPrescription)}"> 

If you are not already in EL 2.2, then the best option would be to pass both lines through JSTL fn:toLowerCase() (or fn:toUpperCase() ), and then compare it.

 <%@taglib prefix="fn" uri="" %> ... <h:panelGroup rendered="#{fn:toLowerCase(patientNotePrescriptionVar.prescriptionSchedule) == fn:toLowerCase(patientNotePresBackingBean.sendPrescription)}"> 

It would be better, however, not to make them case sensitive. If they represent any constants, it is better to make them enumerations or something else.


You can convert both operands to lowercase and then equate them.

In the case of JSTL, I would do

 fn:toLowerCase(patientNotePrescriptionVar.prescriptionSchedule) eq fn:toLowerCase(patientNotePresBackingBean.sendPrescription) 

Just check if you can do something like this in JSF. I'm sorry that I was away from the JSF.



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