Own assembly of Sencha Touch 2 versus packaging Sencha Touch 2 in Phonegap

I know that there are several questions related to Phonegap's Sencha Touch 2, and that is not what I want to do here. I planned to build my Webapp using Sencha Touch 2 and wrap it in Phonegap; but I just found out that Sencha Touch 2 also allows you to create your own version of your web application for Android and ios using the command line tool. Why haven't I heard of this decision? What are the limitations with this? And what is better, using the Sencha Touch 2's own build function or switching the Sencha Touch 2 + Phonegap route?

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1 answer

I guess Sencha Touch 2's own packaging will still use UIWebViews (like PhoneGap), so the performance will be the same. Personally, I will stick with PhoneGap / Cordova, as it is a more mature product with a wider user base. You can still use the Sencha Touch 2 platform, but still link / publish the app using xcode.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/916032/

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