JQuery UI Multiselect widget clear all checkboxes

Hope fast ...

I need to fire the uncheckAll event in the click event of a single button on my page, I tried the following:


but this is not a recognized method. Basically, I want to run the same method that starts when you click "Cancel All" in the header.

I previously did this:

 $('.masterProviderOrgsListBox option:selected').removeAttr("selected"); 

but this eliminates the choice in a real multi selector, not in jQuery widgets.

Could not find anything in the documentation, any ideas?

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3 answers


After the instance has been initialized, interact with it by calling any of these methods:

// example: $("#multiselect").multiselect("method_name");

... which can be found in the widgets documentation in the Methods section


1) first you need to set the default value for the control.


2) Then execute the control reset code below.


 $("#multiselectoption:selected").removeAttr("selected"); $("#multiselect").multiselect('refresh'); 

The update should be called after resetting the drop-down list.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/915975/

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