Writing clean code using multiple continuations is not easy, although you can follow several rules to clear the code:
- Use shorter form from svick answer
- Avoid the continuation chain. Store the result of each continuation in a separate variable, and then call ContinueWith on a separate line
- If the continuation code is long, save it in the lambda variable and then ContinueWith the lambda.
- Use an extension method like this " Then " to make your code even cleaner.
You can change your code to something like this, which is a little cleaner:
var call1=Task.Factory.StartNew(()=>MethodNoArguments()); var call2 = call1.ContinueWith(_ => MethodNoArguments()); call2.Wait();
or even
var call1 = Task.Factory.StartNew<Task>(MethodNoArguments); var call2 = call1.Then(MethodNoArguments); call2.Wait();
Stephen Tuub discusses the Then extension and other ways to clean up your code in Processing Asynchronous Task Sequences
In C # 4, this problem is solved forever. In C # 5, you can use the async / await keywords to create clean code that looks like the original synchronous version, for example:
static async Task Run() { await MethodNoArguments(); await MethodNoArguments(); } static async Task MethodNoArguments() { await Task.Run(()=>Console.WriteLine("MethodNoArguments()")); }
Visual Studio 11 and .NET 4.5 have a Go Live license, so you might start using them right away.
You can use Async CTP in C # 4 to achieve the same result. You can use Async CTP in production, as it has a go go license. The downside is that you will have to make small changes to your code when upgrading to .NET 4.5 due to differences between CTP and .NET 4.5 (for example, CTP has TaskEx.Run instead of Task.Run).
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