Include scala.html files in scala 2.0 game

I am trying to learn Play 2.0 using scala, but I don’t think I understand how the template system for game 2.0 works. I have used game 1.2 before, and I'm kind of looking for the equivalent of # {include 'views / blah.html' /}. I really want to create a navigation bar that appears on all pages.

Essentially in main.scala.html, I have

@(title: String)(navbar: Html)(content: Html) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>@title</title> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href=""stylesheets/main.css")"> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href=""images/favicon.png")"> <script src=""javascripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <header> This is my header </header> <section class="navbar">@navbar</section> <section class="content">@content</section> <footer> This is my footer </footer> 

and in my index.scala.html:

 @navbar = { <h1>Index</h1> <ul> <li> <a href=@routes.Application.tasks >Tasks</a> </li> </ul> } @main("Home")(navbar){ content } 

in task.scala.html:

 @(tasks: List[Task], taskForm: Form[String]) @import helper._ @main("Home") { <h1>Index</h1> <ul> <li> <a href=@routes.Application.tasks >Tasks</a> </li> </ul> } { task code } 

Now, to enable this navigation bar, it seems to me that I have to repeat this on every page in such a way, I will have to hardcode this navigation bar on each page. Is there a way to do this without writing the entire navigation bar on each page?

I also tried creating a navbar.scala.html file containing

 <h1>Index</h1> <ul> <li> <a href=@routes.Application.tasks >Tasks</a> </li> </ul> 

and saving to the view / then importing using @import views.navbar , but then I get the error message “navbar is not a member of the views”. I write this in the Eclipse Java EE Indigo IDE if this helps.

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2 answers

Do not import it, but simply name it:


To include any other presentation template in another presentation template, you simply call it using: @views.html.[location].[location].[location]()

Where [location] is just a breakdown of this path.



Be sure to put "()" i.e. brackets at the end of the instruction if it does not accept any parameters. Without "()", you will receive an error message: "BaseScalaTemplate (play.api.templates ...)"

If your template has parameters, be sure to include them when you call it, for example:

 @views.html.users.interface( "name" ) 


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