I found some available basemap images from a NASA GIBS server. You may be able to use the same method for other developers.
Thi uses GDAL gdal_translate in a python subshell:
import subprocess import matplotlib.pyplot import mpl_toolkits.basemap l,u,r,d=(7.4319,52.0632,7.848,51.8495) subprocess.call ('gdal_translate -of GTiff -outsize 400 400 -projwin {l} {u} {r} {d} TERRA.xml Background.tif'.format(l=l,u=u,r=r,d=d),shell=True ) im=matplotlib.pyplot.imread('Background.tif') m = mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap(llcrnrlon=l, urcrnrlat=u, urcrnrlon=r, llcrnrlat=d, resolution='h', projection='merc') m.imshow(im, interpolation='lanczos', origin='upper') matplotlib.pyplot.show()
To do this, you need the TERRA.xml file from the link above, although you can also embed XML.
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