An error occurred while loading metadata from the address

I am trying to add a link to a service.

An error occurred while loading metadata from the address

is it an error that appears again and again?

Please, help

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10 answers

There are at least 4 possibilities:

  • Undefined metadata exchange endpoint
  • Metadata sharing is not included.
  • You are using the wrong address
  • You are blocked by some security settings.

Try the url in the browser to see that it returns wsdl


You may also need to build / rebuild the project.


This happened the same way I did, and I found that I forgot to add the “Service Contract” and the “Operation Contract” annotations to the interface of my WCF service.


Just try to create a project without any errors and again give a link to the service.


In the Web.config file, I changed:

<endpoint address="" binding="pollingDuplexHttpBinding" contract="IAsyncTaskService"/> 


 <endpoint address="" binding="pollingDuplexHttpBinding" contract="DuplexService.Web.IAsyncTaskService"/> 

and the error has been removed. Zeni


Try rebuilding the project first, if that doesn't fix it, try changing the httpGetEnabled property from FALSE to TRUE in your web.config.

  <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name="serviceBehavior"> <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/> <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false"/> </behavior> </serviceBehaviors> 

Another possibility in this situation is that there is no endpoint listening. Ie, the service you are trying to add is not up. I made this mistake while trying to add a link to the WCF service I was working on, but I forgot to open it.


Verify that IIS is serving the service URL. In my case, I changed the password for Windows, but forgot that these credentials were used by IIS both in the application and in the application pool.


I had a problem like this: adding a service link ended with the message "Method not allowed."

wsdl worked fine in my browser.

The reason was because I configured the endpoint to listen on , which doesn’t like the Add Service Link tool. Changing it to a real IP address made it work (for example, )


I know that this is old, but I thought I would add something that worked for me so that I could find it again along the way;)

In my case, the AppPool user did not have access to% Windir% \ temp, which is apparently necessary to create MEX data.

Talk to Amy Peng on this thread for her clue!



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