Running Jmeter remotely from the command line

Is it possible to run Jmeter on a remote server without using the Jmeter client on the local computer. I mean, can I run jmeter.bat on the remote computer from the command line so that it just runs the tests on the remote server and saves the results in the listener.jtl file there, without any jmeter client on my machine.

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1 answer

Here is the link: .
Just browse the documentation available on the Jmeter website.

The scenario that you provide is a kind of "distributed testing" in which you want each tester to perform load testing from the machine on which JMeter is installed.

For this purpose, you must copy JMeter to each tester machine and record on your JMeter server (Host Machine).

Now that each tester launches JMeter, they will be able to run the download on the JMeter Host Machine.

jmeter -n -t script.jmx -l listener.jtl -R HostMachineIP 


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