Is it possible to make a push notification without APNS

I need to know if it is possible to make push notifications without using APNS.

And if this can be done, what are the best options?

Web server -> pushNotification-> Device

What about VoIP applications? → Can we send a notification without using APN?


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4 answers

No, you cannot use Push Notification without APNS. This is a limitation from Apple and is documented here.


No, you cannot push a notification to a device without using Apple's push push service.


You cannot display push notifications for your application in the same way that embedded push notifications are displayed without using the Apple Push Notification service.

You might be able to configure some kind of web socket based solution, but this will not work when your application is in the background, thus defeating the point.


Departure City Airship

Push Composer makes sending push notifications easy for everyone in your organization. Putting the power of participation in the hands of your business team, you can give them the opportunity to quickly connect with their customers without adding stress to your engineering team. And since you can view your message while writing it, you will know exactly how your users will see and interact with your message.



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