What is the empty space in the chromed new vertical timeline?

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I run a simple widget animation in raphael using requestAnimationFrame in chrome. I notice that all the scripts and rendering tasks are complete, but I still see somewhere between 30 and 60 ms of “dead space” where it looks like the browser is sitting there, doing nothing. Any understanding of this?

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2 answers

I went to this question, looking for the same answer, and as it seems, no one gave an answer, that's what I found.

According to the Chrome DevTools documentation on transparent and light gray frames , empty space is the amount of time your browser has been down.

Why is he idle?

The short option is that a hollow frame means one of two things: your main javascript stream was busy with other things that the Chrome Dev team forgot to show in DevTools, or you were tagged on your GPU.

To tell the difference, you can enable the "Timeline: show processor activity on the ruler" inside the DevTools settings (you know, a screw in the lower right corner).

enter image description here

You will end up with something like this:

enter image description here

Look at the little dark gray blocks in the Records line? They are dark when the visualization flow is busy. If the rendering stream is mostly inactive, for example. there is no dark block, as in the case of the screenshot that I pulled for this post, this is a very good signal that you are attached to the GPU.


Here is a complete explanation from Chrome Engineer Nat Duca.



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/915738/

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