I'm trying to create an existing ASP.NET solution on Mono using xbuild, and among the errors I get is the first one (cropped and formatted to match):
MyProj/OrderQueueJob/OrderQueueJob.csproj: error : MyProj/OrderQueueJob/OrderQueueJob.csproj: ../packages/Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish.1.0.2/tools/webjobs.targets: Project file could not be imported, it was being imported by MyProj/OrderQueueJob/OrderQueueJob.csproj: MyProj/packages/Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish.1.0.2/tools//webjobs.console.targets: Project file could not be imported, it was being imported by MyProj/packages/Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish.1.0.2/tools/webjobs.targets: MyProj/packages/Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish.1.0.2/tools/webjobs.console.targets could not import "$(VSToolsPath)\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets"
I am relatively unaware of what happens with the creation of .NET projects, but it seems clear that VSToolsPath
does not seem to work, so file links (goals?) Cannot be found. When I was working with the search engine, I came across only the older answers, which said that in some (now old) versions of Mono, you had to copy this folder from one place to another - which seemed like a simple pass. The strange thing is that I seem to have this folder in the file system, but it cannot be found!
$ find /usr/local/Cellar/mono -iregex '.*VisualStudio.*Microsoft.WebApplication.targets' /usr/local/Cellar/mono/ /usr/local/Cellar/mono/ /usr/local/Cellar/mono/
What gives?
Obviously, the “MyProj” above is a shorthand version of a longer file path, such as /Users/John.Smith/projects/MyProj/
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