Installing a gaming environment

I am on Windows 7 and I am trying to install a game interface.

I created an environment variable in the system variables using the variable name:, value: c: \ webapp \ play \

When I try to run play help with the commander, he says

 play is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file and it is running only in the directory of c:webapp\play. 

Am I doing something wrong?

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6 answers

To be able to run Play anywhere on the command line, create the PLAY_HOME environment variable pointing to the play folder, for example. c:\play-2.0.1 and add %PLAY_HOME% to the PATH environment variable.


Muhammad is right. The only thing I would like to add is: After saving the environment variables, I noticed that I needed:

  • close ALL explorer windows
  • open new
  • open a new cmd prompt

and then I saw play_home on the way, and the game worked everywhere. For some reason, updating environment variables did not update existing windows.

If you are in a hurry and feel disobedience, first open the cmd prompt window, then run explorer.exe, and then restart explorer.exe in the cmd window.
This should refresh everything, but be careful ...


This is how I set it up for others in the past.

Create the c:\playframework

Create two more inside this

framework and apps

Then I have a bat file named env.bat containing the following

 set PATH=%path%;c:\playframework\framework\' 

Then you can run env.bat to make sure playback is initialized.


I realized that this does not work if you have a space in your path to the playback platform.

So instead

 C:\Folder with space\PlayFramework 

to try


This fixed this for me, suppose this is due to a batch game file that does not properly handle paths with spaces. Having stumbled upon this question, when searching for a solution, it can help some other people.

  • Open command prompt as administrator
  • setx PATH "%PATH%;c:\path\to\play" /m <- replace c: \ path \ to \ play with your path
  • Open a new command line and you can start playing from anywhere

To start a game project, an alternative is to load an activator and create a play project. Download the activator and add it to the environment variable. Open a command prompt and use the following command to create a java project: C: \ activator new project-name play-java If you want to create a scala project C: \ activator of a new project name - scala



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