Javafx Reporting Tool Solution

I need to recreate my swing desktop application for javafx2 desktop. But on a swing, I used Jasper's report for the report. Put jasper output in JFrame to display report on single frame. But unfortunately, I can not find a better solution for this option on Javafx2. Therefore, I am making a temporary decision. This, on the part of jasper, makes a conclusion in pdf format and considers a pdf file on javafx applications (a solution for viewing jpedalfx pdf). This is not the best, because it takes a lot of time. Any other solution. I do not like Webview integration (http: //localhost/myreport.jasper). Because it has an additional Apache server. it is right?

Any possible solution for new javafx.

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Jasper can create reports in PDF, XML, HTML, CSV, XLS, RTF, TXT formats. You can:

  • put the report in HTML and present it in WebView
  • put the report in XML, load it using JAXB and use it to populate the TableView
  • parse any format and populate TableView
  • took data as java objects and populated TableView


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