Launch4j jre error

I use start4j for the first time and I get a system compilation error (same thing in OSX and windows xp). Here is the xml project file:

<launch4jConfig> <dontWrapJar>false</dontWrapJar> <headerType>gui</headerType> <jar>C:\Temp\QuotaSatellite\QuotaSatellite.jar</jar> <outfile>C:\Temp\QuotaSatellite.exe</outfile> <errTitle></errTitle> <cmdLine></cmdLine> <chdir></chdir> <priority>normal</priority> <downloadUrl></downloadUrl> <supportUrl></supportUrl> <customProcName>false</customProcName> <stayAlive>false</stayAlive> <manifest></manifest> <icon></icon> <jre> <path></path> <minVersion>1.6.0</minVersion> <maxVersion></maxVersion> <jdkPreference>preferJre</jdkPreference> </jre> </launch4jConfig> 

and here is the log on windows xp:

 Compiling resources Generated resource file... LANGUAGE 0, 1 2 RCDATA BEGIN "1.6.0\0" END 18 RCDATA BEGIN "1\0" END 21 RCDATA BEGIN "\0" END 20 RCDATA BEGIN "32\0" END 101 RCDATA BEGIN "An error occurred while starting the application.\0" END 102 RCDATA BEGIN "This application was configured to use a bundled Java Runtime Environment but the runtime is missing or corrupted.\0" END 103 RCDATA BEGIN "This application requires a Java Runtime Environment\0" END 104 RCDATA BEGIN "The registry refers to a nonexistent Java Runtime Environment installation or the runtime is corrupted.\0" END 17 RCDATA BEGIN "true\0" END net.sf.launch4j.ExecException: Cannot run program "C:\launch4j\bin\windres.exe": >CreateProcess error=2, Le fichier spรฉcifiรฉ est introuvable 

I also tried the manifest file and got the same error. Why is launch4j expecting a JRE package that my jar is not needed? Your help will be much appreciated.

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