How to get all possible image URLs from an RSS feed item?

I am trying to use this example to get the URLs of images from

but without success

Could you help me find all the correct ways to get all possible image URLs from an RSS feed element with the SyndicationItem class?

There is a design solution here , but I think it should be a more general solution.


  List<RssFeedItem> rssItems = new List<RssFeedItem>(); Stream stream = e.Result; XmlReader response = XmlReader.Create(stream); SyndicationFeed feeds = SyndicationFeed.Load(response); foreach (SyndicationItem f in feeds.Items) { RssFeedItem rssItem = new RssFeedItem(); rssItem.Description = f.Summary.Text; foreach (SyndicationLink enclosure in f.Links.Where<SyndicationLink>(x => x.RelationshipType == "enclosure")) { Uri url = enclosure.Uri; long length = enclosure.Length; string mediaType = enclosure.MediaType; rssItem.ImageLinks.Add(url.AbsolutePath); } } 
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3 answers

I have found a solution.

 foreach (SyndicationElementExtension extension in f.ElementExtensions) { XElement element = extension.GetObject<XElement>(); if (element.HasAttributes) { foreach (var attribute in element.Attributes()) { string value = attribute.Value.ToLower(); if (value.StartsWith("http://") && (value.EndsWith(".jpg") || value.EndsWith(".png") || value.EndsWith(".gif") )) { rssItem.ImageLinks.Add(value); // Add here the image link to some array } } } } 
 XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(""); XNamespace media = XNamespace.Get(""); var images = xDoc.Descendants(media+"content") .Where(m=>m.Attribute("type").Value=="image/jpeg") .Select(m=>m.Attribute("url").Value) .ToArray(); 

- EDIT -

 var images = feeds.Items .SelectMany(i => i.ElementExtensions .Select(e => e.GetObject<XElement>().Attribute("url").Value) ) .ToArray(); 

Gets a list of images from a string

 var text = "your text with image links"; Regex regx = new Regex("http://([\\w+?\\.\\w+])+([a-zA-Z0-9\\~\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&amp;\\*\\(\\)_\\-\\=\\+\\\\\\/\\?\\.\\:\\;\\'\\,]*)?.(?:jpg|bmp|gif|png)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); MatchCollection mactches = regx.Matches(text); 


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