C # - How to extract a FAT disk image?

I am really trying to extract a Fat Disk image using DiskUtils, but I am not getting the correct file names ...

I get "\ TURNER ~ 3 \ TOPPER ~ 1.P ~ 1" instead of "\ TURNEROVER \ TOPPERSHEATH.PPTX"

FatFileSystem FatImg = new FatFileSystem(MS); //MS = Fat Image MemoryStream foreach(DiscDirectoryInfo Di in FatImg.Root.GetDirectories()) { foreach(DiscFileInfo Fi in Di.GetFiles()) { Stream St = Fi.OpenRead(); // Correct Stream string FName = Fi.Name; //Wrong Name } } 

This is because DiscUtils does not support LFN [Long File Names] ...

So, I'm looking for the perfect library to extract these files before I try to do it myself ...

Is there a way that I can extract it [maybe DiscUtils] without FileName errors ...

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5 answers

Here are some changes you can add to DiscUtils to support FAT LFN s:

First make these changes in the Fat\Directory.cs file like this (you need to add the _lfns variable, the GetLfnChunk function and modify the existing LoadEntries function to add the lines marked with //+++ below):

 internal Dictionary<string, string> _lfns = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); private static string GetLfnChunk(byte[] buffer) { // see http://home.teleport.com/~brainy/lfn.htm // NOTE: we assume ordinals are ok here. char[] chars = new char[13]; chars[0] = (char)(256 * buffer[2] + buffer[1]); chars[1] = (char)(256 * buffer[4] + buffer[3]); chars[2] = (char)(256 * buffer[6] + buffer[5]); chars[3] = (char)(256 * buffer[8] + buffer[7]); chars[4] = (char)(256 * buffer[10] + buffer[9]); chars[5] = (char)(256 * buffer[15] + buffer[14]); chars[6] = (char)(256 * buffer[17] + buffer[16]); chars[7] = (char)(256 * buffer[19] + buffer[18]); chars[8] = (char)(256 * buffer[21] + buffer[20]); chars[9] = (char)(256 * buffer[23] + buffer[22]); chars[10] = (char)(256 * buffer[25] + buffer[24]); chars[11] = (char)(256 * buffer[29] + buffer[28]); chars[12] = (char)(256 * buffer[31] + buffer[30]); string chunk = new string(chars); int zero = chunk.IndexOf('\0'); return zero >= 0 ? chunk.Substring(0, zero) : chunk; } private void LoadEntries() { _entries = new Dictionary<long, DirectoryEntry>(); _freeEntries = new List<long>(); _selfEntryLocation = -1; _parentEntryLocation = -1; string lfn = null; //+++ while (_dirStream.Position < _dirStream.Length) { long streamPos = _dirStream.Position; DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(_fileSystem.FatOptions, _dirStream); if (entry.Attributes == (FatAttributes.ReadOnly | FatAttributes.Hidden | FatAttributes.System | FatAttributes.VolumeId)) { // Long File Name entry _dirStream.Position = streamPos; //+++ lfn = GetLfnChunk(Utilities.ReadFully(_dirStream, 32)) + lfn; //+++ } else if (entry.Name.IsDeleted()) { // E5 = Free Entry _freeEntries.Add(streamPos); lfn = null; //+++ } else if (entry.Name == FileName.SelfEntryName) { _selfEntry = entry; _selfEntryLocation = streamPos; lfn = null; //+++ } else if (entry.Name == FileName.ParentEntryName) { _parentEntry = entry; _parentEntryLocation = streamPos; lfn = null; //+++ } else if (entry.Name == FileName.Null) { // Free Entry, no more entries available _endOfEntries = streamPos; lfn = null; //+++ break; } else { if (lfn != null) //+++ { //+++ _lfns.Add(entry.Name.GetDisplayName(_fileSystem.FatOptions.FileNameEncoding), lfn); //+++ } //+++ _entries.Add(streamPos, entry); lfn = null; //+++ } } } 

Second, add these two public functions to the Fat\FatFileSystem.cs . These will be the new API requests for LFN requests:

 /// <summary> /// Gets the long name of a given file. /// </summary> /// <param name="shortFullPath">The short full path to the file. Input path segments must be short names.</param> /// <returns>The corresponding long file name.</returns> public string GetLongFileName(string shortFullPath) { if (shortFullPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("shortFullPath"); string dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(shortFullPath); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(shortFullPath); Directory dir = GetDirectory(dirPath); if (dir == null) return fileName; string lfn; if (dir._lfns.TryGetValue(Path.GetFileName(shortFullPath), out lfn)) return lfn; return fileName; } /// <summary> /// Gets the long path to a given file. /// </summary> /// <param name="shortFullPath">The short full path to the file. Input path segments must be short names.</param> /// <returns>The corresponding long file path to the file or null if not found.</returns> public string GetLongFilePath(string shortFullPath) { if (shortFullPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("shortFullPath"); string path = null; string current = null; foreach (string segment in shortFullPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) { if (current == null) { current = segment; path = GetLongFileName(current); } else { current = Path.Combine(current, segment); path = Path.Combine(path, GetLongFileName(current)); } } return path; } 

What is it. Now you can replicate the entire FAT disk in this way, for example:

 static void Main(string[] args) { using (FileStream fs = File.Open("fat.ima", FileMode.Open)) { using (FatFileSystem floppy = new FatFileSystem(fs)) { Dump(floppy.Root); } } } static void Dump(DiscDirectoryInfo di) { foreach (DiscDirectoryInfo subdi in di.GetDirectories()) { Dump(subdi); } foreach (DiscFileInfo fi in di.GetFiles()) { Console.WriteLine(fi.FullName); // get LFN name Console.WriteLine(" " + ((FatFileSystem)di.FileSystem).GetLongFileName(fi.FullName)); // get LFN-ed full path Console.WriteLine(" " + ((FatFileSystem)di.FileSystem).GetLongFilePath(fi.FullName)); } } 

Use your own risks! :)


7-Zip can extract FAT images. There is a C # wrapper library at http://sevenzipsharp.codeplex.com that can read file names and extract them into streams.


It would seem that there is no support for Long Name files for FAT in DiscUtils. Mark this post. I'm sure you know, since it looks like you asked a question.


The DOS DIR command with the / X switch displays both long and short names.

Otherwise, there is a utility for saving LFN: DOSLFNBk.exe , which will help to create a mapping table.

I don’t know the answers you were looking for, but do not manually create the table so that you can do the mapping without DiskUtil, I can’t come up with a utility or method to achieve your goal - but, as you already mentioned, here in SO someone can know an alternative.

Kevin from DiskUtils mentioned that he would infringe on a Mirosoft patent if he turned on LFN support, I don’t assume that you are violating (NOT A DEFINITELY NOT a commercial project), but if it's just personal or if you can find a library like 7-Zip has a license ...

Your screenshot shows VNext .. same error with RTM versions?


The best way with the command line is to use this:

7z "e" + source + "-o" + path + "* -r"

  • "e" = Extract
  • source = path to disk image
  • "-o" = Output / Extract to
  • path = Destination to extract to
  • "*" = All files
  • "-r" = Recursive

In C #, you can use this method, which I did (I copied 7z.exe to the Debug folder of my application)

 public void ExtractDiskImage(string pathToDiskImage, string extractPath, bool WaitForFinish) { ProcessStartInfo UnzipDiskImage = new ProcessStartInfo("7z.exe"); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("e "); str.Append(pathToDiskImage); str.Append(" -o"); str.Append(extractPath); str.Append(" * -r"); UnzipDiskImage.Arguments = str.ToString(); UnzipDiskImage.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; Process process = Process.Start(UnzipDiskImage); if(WaitForFinish == true) { process.WaitForExit(); //My app had to wait for the extract to finish } } 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/915382/

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