The process completion process with multiple technologies fails with Linux

I just noticed a problem with terminating a process (from the multiprocessing library) of a method on Linux. I have an application that works with the multiprocessing library, but ... when I call the terminate function on Windows, everything works fine, on the other hand, Linux does not work with this solution. As a substitute for the killing process, I was forced to use

 os.system('kill -9 {}'.format(pid)) 

I know this is not too smart, but it works. So I'm just wondering why this code works on Windows, but on Linux it fails.


 from multiprocessing import Process import os process=Process(target=foo,args=('bar',)) process.terminate() # works on Windows only ... os.sytem('kill -9 {}'.format(pid)) # my replacements on Linux 

My configuration: python 3.2.0 build 88445; Linux-2.6.32-Debian-6.0.4

This is a sample from my code. I hope this will be enough.

 def start_test(timestamp,current_test_suite,user_ip): global_test_table[timestamp] = current_test_suite setattr(global_test_table[timestamp], "user_ip", user_ip) test_cases = global_test_table[timestamp].test_cases_table test_cases = test_cases*int(global_test_table[timestamp].count + 1) global_test_table[timestamp].test_cases_table = test_cases print(test_cases) print(global_test_table[timestamp].test_cases_table) case_num = len(test_cases) Report.basecounter = Report.casecounter = case_num setattr(global_test_table[timestamp], "case_num", case_num) setattr(global_test_table[timestamp], "user_current_test", 0) try: dbobj=MySQLdb.connect(*dbconnector) dbcursor=dbobj.cursor() dbcursor.execute(sqlquery_insert_progress.format(progress_timestamp = str(timestamp), user_current_test = global_test_table[timestamp].user_current_tes$ except :... for i in range(case_num): user_row = global_test_table[timestamp] current_test_from_tests_table = user_row.test_cases_table[i] unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite(CommonGUI.get_address(CommonGUI,current_test_from_tests_table[1], current_test_from_tests_table[2], user$ global_test_table[timestamp].user_current_test = i + 1 try: dbobj=MySQLdb.connect(*dbconnector) dbcursor=dbobj.cursor() dbcursor.execute(sqlquery_update_progress.format(progress_timestamp = str(timestamp), user_current_test = global_test_table[timestamp].user_current$ except :... @cherrypy.expose() def start_test_page(self, **test_suite): timestamp = str(time.time()) user_ip = cherrypy.request.remote.ip if on_server(): sys.stdout=sys.stderr=open("/var/log/cherrypy/test_gui/{file}.log".format(file=timestamp),"a") current_test_suite = self.parse_result(**test_suite) #global_test_table[timestamp] = current_test_suite #setattr(global_test_table[timestamp], "user_ip", user_ip) user_test_process = Process(target=start_test, args=(timestamp,current_test_suite,user_ip)) users_process_table[timestamp] = user_test_process user_test_process.start() return '''{"testsuite_id" : "''' + str(timestamp) + '''"}''' @cherrypy.expose() def stop_test(self, timestamp): if timestamp in users_process_table: if on_server(): user_process_pid = users_process_table[timestamp].pid os.system("kill -9 " + str(user_process_pid)) else: users_process_table[timestamp].terminate() del users_process_table[timestamp] else: return "No process exists" 
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2 answers

From docs :

stop ()

Complete the process. On Unix, this is done using SIGTERM Signal; on Windows TerminateProcess (). Please note that exit handlers, and finally offers, etc., will not be executed.

Please note that the streaming processes of the process will not be stopped - they will simply become orphans.

So, it looks like you should make sure your process processes the SIGTERM signal correctly.

Use signal.signal to install a signal handler.

To install a SIGTERM signal handler that simply exists, use:

 import signal import sys signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, stack_frame: sys.exit(1)) 


The Python process usually ends in SIGTERM, I don’t know why your multiprocessor process does not end in SIGTERM.


This is not a straightforward answer to your question, but since you are dealing with threads, it can also be useful for debugging these threads: / ... I recently found an error in cherry using this code.



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