I have a places(name vachar(50), address text, description text) engine = MYISAM
table places(name vachar(50), address text, description text) engine = MYISAM
and several records.
I am trying to make an example in here ! and look for the "full text problem", but I don’t understand the full text search.
First, I add a full-text index:
ALTER TABLE places ADD FULLTEXT(name, address, description);
and try mySQL:
SELECT * FROM places WHERE MATCH(name,address,description) AGAINST('my search key');
I tried some “my search key” that the content is in many areas, but there are some cases when I received:
now the selected row.
if I try to add option "IN BOOLEAN MODE" in AGAINST()
, the result is obtained with result = 1, it makes no sense when I sort it.
it simply shows the result when the “search key” has content in the (name) field.
I tried a lot, but I don’t remember all the cases
Any answer can help!
Thanks in advance!
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