Hello, is the world an example for a circus?

Can someone provide me a hello world example for circos? (Www.circos.ca)

I know that there are tons of tutorials provided with the zipped distribution, but the way I participate is to take a minimal configuration and then build from it - and I could not find it.

So who can help me?

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2 answers

The circus developer answered my question on another forum:



Yes, Martin (circos author) is very good at google group circus ( http://groups.google.com/group/circos-data-visualization ).

BTW, your problem is very simple :) Just follow the instructions below after downloading and installing:

cd your-circos-root-dir bin/circos -conf example/circos.conf 

You may encounter some common errors, such as the error installing the perl modules when installing circos, just follow below: http://circos.ca/documentation/tutorials/configuration/


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/915223/

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