How to find the Apple Push notification sent to the user or not from our server?

I'm new to Apple Push Notification in the iPhone app. I studied these tutorials and a document for Apple


We send a notification from our server (PHP) to the Apple Push Notification Server, and APNS will trigger a notification to the devices. In this case, how can we know that the notification delivered the user from our server or not? If we send a notification to all subscribers (more than 100 users), do we have a delivery report for these 100 users?

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2 answers

APNS does not tell you if the message was delivered successfully. The closest you can get is a Feedback Service survey to find out if your application has been removed from the device. Check out this SO post for an idea like: PHP technology for requesting an APN feedback server

What you can do is record an iOS application application when a push address notification arrives with application:didReceiveRemoteNotification , but it only works if your application is running in the foreground.


The local and push notification guide reports:

Notification delivery is a "best effort" and is not guaranteed.

However, there is a feedback service described in the document as:

The Apple Push notification service includes a feedback service in which the APN is constantly updated with a list of applications for each application for which there were unsuccessful delivery attempts.



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