I would like proguard to obfuscate class names. I have this line in Proguard.cfg
-keepclasseswithmembers class * { public static <fields>; } -keepnames class * implements java.io.Serializable -keep public class com.google.**
And I notice that what is not confused is the names of the classes. So, running jdgui, I see com / test / ABCD / ActualClass.java public class ActualClassName expands activity, etc.
In addition, I see methods that return real class names. as
ActualClassname aa();
and imports expressions such as
import com.abcd.ActualClassName
How to force Proguard to obfuscate the class name itself. This is not only for the actions that I see that my adapters are not tangled. Well, obfuscation happens, but not class names.
Are rules higher than preventing class names from getting confused?
Update: Since then I have removed the above rules, and the Utility class, which does not extend anything from Android, is not confused. Now I'm wondering if there is some implicit rule about storing class class names that are referenced by classes that are stored as derived classes? Classes whose names are not confused have several things in common:
1) Static methods 2) Import of other types that are stored as those that are produced from activities or can be serialized. 3) They have methods with parameters of other classes (some of them may need to be saved).
However, there is no where I specifically request that these utility classes persist.
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