Can I import messages into an Android emulator?

Is it possible to import a list of SMS messages into the Android emulator for testing?

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3 answers

Yes, there is a way. Here's how:

  • Download the SMS Backup and Restore.apk file from here.

  • Install apk on your phone or use the Google game.

  • Export your SMS messages to your phone and exchange the XML archive file to your computer, or send it by e-mail yourself, or if you move the application to your SD card before backing up, you can extract the XML file from the SD card by copying This is on your computer.

  • Copy or move the downloaded apk file to the platform tool folder in your android-skd folder.

  • Windows: run cmd and go to the platform-tools directory.

  • Enter adb -s emulator_name install "SMS Backup and Restore.apk" .

  • Now go into DDMS mode in Eclipse and create a folder under SMSBackupRestore under mnt/sdcard so that it turns out to be mnt/sdcard/SMSBackupRestore .

  • Launch the Backup and Restore application in the emulator and import the XML file ... Done!


I am not sure if you are importing SMS messages from an existing file into the emulator. However, I know that you can spoof text messages through DDMS. You can do this and then run your application to perform the magic actions you want to do. Android Dev - Using DDMS


You can use an application such as SMS Backup and Restore and create an archive of your own text messages. It saves this as XML, so you can always change it if you want. Then just install this application in the emulator (I assume that you can install third-party applications on the emulator, but I'm not sure), and then restore from this XML file.



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