Is it possible to subscribe to event subscriptions in C #?

If I have an event like this:

public delegate void MyEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e); public event MyEventHandler MyEvent; 

And adds an event handler as follows:

 MyEvent += MyEventHandlerMethod; 

... is it possible to somehow register this? In other words - is it possible to have something like:

 MyEvent.OnSubscribe += MySubscriptionHandler; 
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Like automatically implemented properties, events are also automatically executed by default.

You can expand the event declaration as follows:

 public event MyEventHandler MyEvent { add { ... } remove { ... } } 

See, for example, How to Use a Dictionary to Store Event Instances (C # Programming Guide)

See Events a bit redesigned in C # 4, part I: Locks for how auto-injection events differ between C # and nbsp; 3 and C # 4.


It is possible to declare event accessors specifically, i.e. add and remove accessors.

This allows you to do custom logic when adding new event handlers.


When you define your events, you can use a longer format to execute more code when people join or remove from your events.

View information on add and remove keywords.


Perhaps if you declare your custom event, for example, this pseudocode:

 class MyClass { public event EventHandler MyEvent { add { //someone subscribed to this event ! } remove { //someone unsubscribed from this event ! } } ... } 

I assume that you are looking for access to events. A way to configure subscriber links. Here is how you can do it.

 public class TestClass { private event EventHandler UnderlyingEvent; public event EventHandler TestEvent { add { UnderlyingEvent += value; } remove { UnderlyingEvent -= value; } } } 

For more information, please visit this article.



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