Ternary expression with "defined?" returns an "expression" instead of a value?

I am new to Ruby and Rails, but even after searching and google I could not find the answer to this question.

I have a simple abbreviated Ruby if statement that should return an integer like this:

 # in the context of this erb document `amount` is defined as 5. @c = ( defined? amount ? amount : r( 1,4 ) ) 

r() is a special helper function that returns a random number between them in this case 1 and 4.

The way I intend to work this out is that if amount defined, then use a number defined as amount , else generates a random number from 1 to 4 and use instead.

When @c however, Ruby exits expression , not numbers.

What do I need to do to get this to work the way I thought, and what am I doing wrong?

Thanks so much for reading!

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3 answers

defined? associated with amount ? amount : r(1,4) amount ? amount : r(1,4) , therefore it is equivalent to:

 defined?(amount ? amount : r(1,4)) 

You probably want:

 defined?(amount) ? amount : r(1,4) 

Actually, the probability that amount || r(1,4) amount || r(1,4) or amount.nil? ? r(1,4) : amount amount.nil? ? r(1,4) : amount amount.nil? ? r(1,4) : amount will be better suited to what you want, since I think you don't want this:

  1.9.3p194: 001> defined? (Amount)
  => nil 
 1.9.3p194: 002> amount = nil
  => nil 
 1.9.3p194: 003> defined? (Amount)
  => "local-variable" 

... in this case, @c will be nil - the value of a particular variable.


Use the || operator in this case:

 @c = amount || r (1,4) 

defined? method in your code defined? works for amount ? amount : r( 1,4 ) amount ? amount : r( 1,4 ) , not just the amount as you planned. In addition, the operator defined? probably does not do what you expect, look at this blog post to get an idea.


You are looking for a zero coalescence operator. Try the following:

 @c = amount || r(1,4) 

This code will assign @c if a quantity is specified. If not, then the result r (1,4) - @c will be assigned.



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/914999/

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