Cannot use cout / endl if extern "C"

Hope someone can help me with this little problem as I am not getting at all. First, heres the code:

#include<string> #include<iostream> #include<Windows.h> using namespace std; extern "C" { #include<hidsdi.h> #include<SetupAPI.h> } int main() { int iQuit; cout << "Testing Program" << endl; return 0; } 

This will not allow me to use the std file (i.e. cout, cin, endl, etc.). This will allow me to use it when I take out all the external C codes ... Why? And is there a way around this?

EDIT: Sorry, forget to tell you the exact error: it says the identifier "cout" is undefined


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2 answers

I found a problem, I did not add directories in the correct order in VC ++ directories.

The order should be:

 C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\inc\ddk $(VCInstallDir)include $(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\include C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\inc\api $(WindowsSdkDir)include $(FrameworkSDKDir)\include 

I don’t know why it should be in this order, but now it works ... Very strange ...


There is something wrong with your compilation environment. There is nothing wrong with this code. It compiles and works fine.

In a comment on the question you are saying:

I am learning to write a driver to do things with my devices, such as keyboards and mice, so I use WDK. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought you need to use extern "C" to use these header files?

In fact, you just need to write code in C, not C ++ for driver development.



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